Banking Laws
- Preferred.
- Subordinated.
- Floor clauses.
- Swaps.
- Values.
- Loans.
- Factoring, leasing, renting, confirming, credit cards.
- Mortgage and consumer finance.
Marriage Laws
- Separations and divorces by mutual agreement and disputes.
- Enforcement of judgments: the claim for payment of alimony, the alimony or other measures taken by mutual agreement or by decision, and visitation.
- Preconvivenciales premarital agreements.
- Advice on matrimonial and marriage contracts.
- Annulments ecclesiastical tribunals.
- Adoption and foster care.
- Disabilities.
- Paternity. Determination or appeal.
- Affiliation and custody.
- Dissolution and liquidation of matrimonial.
Inheritance Laws �?? Last Will and Inheritances
- Last will.
- Acceptance of inheritance.
- Death certificates.
- Declaration of judicial and notarial heirs.
- Partition of heritage.
- Negotiation of heritage.
Real Estate LAW
- Leases, purchase, arras.
- Division of the commonplace.
- Weaknesses-constructive.
- Claims unpaid.
- Planning.
Civil Laws
- Contractes.
- Obligations to do or not do.
- Contracts.
- Claims for payment.
- Claim compensation, tort liability (accidents, injuries).
- Arras, purchase, acknowledgments of debt.
- Foreclosures.
- Leases.
- Evictions.
- Division of the commonplace.
- Probate (wills and estates).
- Donations.
- Consumer and user rights.
Tax Laws
- Planning with regard to taxation.
- Continuous advice to companies and individuals in various tax areas.
- Taxation of personal and family assets.
- Management procedure, tax inspection and tax collection.
- Disciplinary proceedings in tax matters.
- Administrative, patrimonial responsibility of government, economic, administrative and litigation.
Criminal Laws
- Attendance at the police station the prisoner.
- Defense on trial for crime and / or lack.
- Crimes against persons, the right to self-image, intimacy and honor: injuries, homicide, murder, domestic violence, female and male, processing of protective orders, restraining orders, burglary, slander, abuse of state civil .
- Crimes against property: theft, robbery, extortion, fraud, real estate fraud, misappropriation, concealment of assets, damage .
- Offences relating to intellectual property.
- Offences relating to the market and consumers: misleading advertising, unfair competition.
- Offences against the Public Treasury and Social Security.
- Offences against the administration of justice: prevarication, false testimony, cover-up.
- Offences against the rights of workers and civil liability arising from accidents.
- Crimes against Public Health: Drug trafficking, doping in sport.
- Crimes against traffic safety: blood alcohol.
- Crimes against the environment and natural resources.
- Urban crimes.
- Documentary Fraud: crimes of counterfeiting, forgery of public documents, official, commercial, office transmitted by telecommunication services, private documents, certificates, etc?
- Complaints and disputes.
Work Laws
- Records of employment regulation.
- Dismissals disciplinary and collective goals.
- End of contract Extinctions.
- Extinction-will employment contract worker.
- Claims for payment (wages, settlements, damages to work, wage differences ...)
- Senior management.
- Collective bargaining.
- Recruitment.
- A substantial change in working conditions, transfers, functions.
- Social Security.
- Socials conflicts (disputes, strikes)..
- Prevention of occupational hazards
- Accidents at work.
- Compensation systems.
- Proceedings before the social courts in all instances.
- Inspection of work.
- Challenging work sanctions.
- Processing and judicial claim contributory benefits / non-contributory.
- Challenges to high medical.
- Invalideces (partial, total, absolute, severe disability).
Administrative Laws
- Defense against the initiation of administrative proceedings for punishment.
- Administrative and Judicial Appeal of administrative sanctions.
- Claims against the Administration property.
- Filing and legal direction of administrative and administrative.